Making PE Meaningful

(Presented at the California Elementary PE Workshop, July 2018)

Children participate in physical activity when it's "meaningful". This presentation explores how to provide meaningful experiences in physical education class.

Thank-you to Dr Scott Kretchmar and Dr Doug Gleddie for the inspiration. Thanks also to Joey Feith for the amazing graphics!

To find out more about Meaningful Physical Education I encourage you to check out the resources provided below.

Joy and Delight2.mp4

What motivates these students to move?

Is it because physical activity will help them lead healthy lives? (and is therefore seen as a duty or obligation).

Or is it because this physical activity is fun, challenging, personally relevant, develops motor competence or is socially interactive???


Making PE Meaningful Handout.pdf


Doug Gleddie Blog Post (2017, March 10) ). Delightful Physical Education

Doug Gleddie Blog Post (2017, October 19). Teaching for Meaning in Physical Education

Dr Scott Kretchmar JOHPERD article: 10 More Reasons For Quality Physical Education #PEChat (October 30, 2017) Creating Meaningful Experiences in #Physed.

Christine Hopple JOHPERD article: Top 10 Reasons Why Children Find Physical Activity to be 'UNFUN'

Christine Hopple JOHPERD article: Top 10 Reasons Why Children Find Physical Activity to be 'FUN'

The Role of PETE in Developing Joy-Oriented Physical Educators.pdf